I was browsing through my 'once-upon-a-time' notes and files when I came across this poem.
And yes, I smiled! :)
illogical and self-centered
you forgive them anyway
When you are kind
people may accuse
you of having selfish motives
you be kind anyway
When you are successful
you will win some false friends
and some true enemies
you want to succeed anyway
When you are honest and be frank
people may cheat on you
you be honest and frank anyway
What you spend years building something
someone could just destroy it overnight
You built it anyway
When you find serenity and happiness
people may get jealous
You felt grateful anyway
The good things you do today
people tend to forget tomorrow
You will do it anyway
Give the world the best you have
and it will never be enough
You tend to do it the best you can anyway
You see...
in the final analysis
it is better when you think
it's between you and the God only
God knows,
you have given everything you have...
God knows,
you have sacrificed a lot, for the sake of others...
God knows,
who you are and what you can be...
God will never ask "what's your name my dear?"
So don’t be sad and disappointed
You didn’t lose any of your true friends
You still have what it is left inside of you…
Because God still loves you and
HE will never abandon you at a corner of HIS heart…
And I will never want you to be at the corner of my heart too…
For me, this is a very momentous peom indeed.
From the bottom of my heart, Thank you, my friend! =)