My Family is My World!

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Thursday, January 14, 2010

~ "Laughter is an instant vacation" ~

My parents use to say : our life is too short to be wasted;  so appreciate every seconds of our lives by enjoying it in a good way. I whole-heartedly agree with this statement too.

It doesn't matter whether we are rich, poor or moderate; we can always lead a happy and peaceful life(exceptable for 'certain' reasons) - it all depends on our own mentality. Happiness and peace are internal attributions of ourselves. It is not possible to get peace or happiness with external materialistic possessions or luxuries ALONE.

What is the point of earning millions and millions but not spending'em at all to have a good time with our loved ones? So in whatever we earn (no matter how much the amount is), for me, I think it would be a good idea to save just a particular amount of money to be used in our future or emergencies. When our savings started to increase than that 'particular' amount, it can be spent in good way for our own satisfaction. After all, we'll not be living in this materialistic world for eternity; so as long as we're on Earth, let us enjoy our lives in a positive way! Remember, earning money is good; but earning peace and happiness is even better! =)

The only way you can live a happy and satisfied life, is when you start doing things that make you happy and satisfied. In this case, my family and I love travelling; so in every single notes that we gain, we'll try to save'em and eventually, we'll look forward for vacations in overseas. We just believe that if there is a will; there is definitely a way!

These are some of the countries we've visited (Thanks to mom & dad!! ^_^) :




~ HONG KONG > 2005 ~

Monday, January 4, 2010

A Fun-filled Day at Sunway Pyramid!

~ 1 MaLaYsIa!! ~

Today is the first monday of year 2010 and its also the first day of schooling for all school students! I can hardly believe that I don't have to attend school anymore! Feel kinda relieved from all the tenses and stress in school life but at the same time, I'm missing my teachers and all the cyberians badly! ='( .. But anyway, life still has to go on rite?

Today I went out to Sunway Pyramid with 3 of my other friends while the school students are busy with their school activities..xD We had to take a bus from Putrajaya Central, followed by a taxi to Sunway Pyramid. This causes us to arrive our destination only at around 12.00pm.
Right after arriving, we headed to TGV & had a little discussion about which movie should we watch among the 4 movies in our list:
a) Alvin & The Chipmunks
b) The Princess & The Frog
c) Sherlock Holmes
Because of the limited seats for a) & c) (left for only the front row), we decided to watch b) - The Princess & The Frog(12.30pm show) and we didn't regret at all! The movie was just awesome and the scenes were so sweet! ^_^

After the movie, our stomachs started to grumble (especially yen's..=P). So we headed to Asian Avenue ~ Station Kopitiam. The environment was so relaxing & I really enjoyed my cantonese yee mee! ^_^

After makan, have to bakar lemaklah pulak kan..xD.. So went on; loafing around Sunway Pyramid. We looked for same T-shirts for each one of us but nothing really captured our hearts... My friends bought some simple stuff but I just cuci mata je la - window shopping :P.. On our way to 'Breadwalk', we found this 'camel'!(it symbolises 1 of our friends in school > hudzairi..=P). So ape lagi kn; we took pic  wid it...=)

And guess what? I found these cute lil doughnuts in 'Breadwalk'! Aren't these are just too cute to be eaten? >_<

Thought of playing some arcade games but the time passed by swiftly that when we realise, it was already about 6.00pm! We would love to stay longer but then we left the shopping complex immediately so that we could reach home before it gets darker.

Overall, it was a fantastic, fun-filled day!! Can't wait for more outings!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Why is it always easier to...?

Why is it always easier to trust people who lie; than trusting those who tell the truth?

Why is it always easier to accuse people; than finding ways 2 search for the truth?

Why is it always easier to find fault on others; than finding fault on ourselves??

Why is it always easier to command others to do something; that even we ourselves do not do ?

Why is it always easier to tell people to keep promises; though we ourselves do not keep our promise?

Why is it always easier to make people's life to suffer; than making others' lives glorious??

Why is it always easier to blame people; but not ourselves??

Why is it always easier to find fault in someone's act; than finding the 'good' in it?

Why is it always easier to take actions; than thinking the consequence that lies behind it??

Why is it always easier to give our thoughts; than receiving others' thoughts?

Why is it always easier to trust someone that we just met; than trusting those who we've known for long?

Why is it always easier to sympathize: than giving our helping hands to others?

Why is it always easier to instruct someone to listen to us; than we;listening to them??

Why is it always easier to hurt someone that loves us; than trying to make them happy though they've hurt us?

LOVE knows no revenge..

LOVE knows not how to humiliate the loved ones..

LOVE knows no hatred..

it only knows how to keep the loved ones keep smiling no matter what he or she might have done..

it only knows how to fight against factors that accuses the loved ones..

it only knows how to wipe away the tears of the loved ones..

LOVE only knows to LOVE!

nukilan ~ jazz ^_^


I found myself walking in the shadow,

everything i did was meaningless,

my good deeds towards people

were always forgotten...

and were treated in a way; that really hurts,

Friends meant like traitors to me...

"What have i done till things always go wrong?!!!

Why are there people who are backstabbing me; though my heart urges me 2 do good for'em?!!

I juz dun understand!

does FRIEND means the journey

packed with PAIN, SUFFERING, and TORTURE?

does FRIEND means..

a pathway that is full of FIRES and FLAMES?"

those were the words that used to strike my mind..

But then comes a day,

where i understood

what does the word F.R.I.E.N.D really means..

Whenever i'm worried..

Whenever i'm offended..

This group of my buddies,

will always be there for me..

During trouble times of our lives,

We always stick together,

Sharing all those hard moments,

No matter

We're happy or sad;

Excited or disappointed,

We're always tied together,

Walking through the journey,

Of thorns and flowers, sadness and joy...

But now..

My heart is terrified..

I'm juz afraid..

These best friends of mine

might get further from me

as time goes by..

Coz time never waits for us..

no matter wat happens..

But I know..

and i'm sure!

no matter what happens,

Our memories while we were together,

will NEVER die!!

And listen to me my buddies,

No matter how far we might be,

you guyz will alwayz remain fresh in my heart...

This is a promise, that i'll always hold..

We are the best buddies ever!!

Dedicated to : - J , A^3, M, Z - & all 5 Sc 1 + 5 Sc 2 ‘09(SMK Cyberjaya)



nukilan ~ Jazz ^_^