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Thursday, January 14, 2010

~ "Laughter is an instant vacation" ~

My parents use to say : our life is too short to be wasted;  so appreciate every seconds of our lives by enjoying it in a good way. I whole-heartedly agree with this statement too.

It doesn't matter whether we are rich, poor or moderate; we can always lead a happy and peaceful life(exceptable for 'certain' reasons) - it all depends on our own mentality. Happiness and peace are internal attributions of ourselves. It is not possible to get peace or happiness with external materialistic possessions or luxuries ALONE.

What is the point of earning millions and millions but not spending'em at all to have a good time with our loved ones? So in whatever we earn (no matter how much the amount is), for me, I think it would be a good idea to save just a particular amount of money to be used in our future or emergencies. When our savings started to increase than that 'particular' amount, it can be spent in good way for our own satisfaction. After all, we'll not be living in this materialistic world for eternity; so as long as we're on Earth, let us enjoy our lives in a positive way! Remember, earning money is good; but earning peace and happiness is even better! =)

The only way you can live a happy and satisfied life, is when you start doing things that make you happy and satisfied. In this case, my family and I love travelling; so in every single notes that we gain, we'll try to save'em and eventually, we'll look forward for vacations in overseas. We just believe that if there is a will; there is definitely a way!

These are some of the countries we've visited (Thanks to mom & dad!! ^_^) :




~ HONG KONG > 2005 ~


Nurainna said...

hish...pegi mane plak ni...

jeles jeles

J@zZ_MiNt sUpEr 5 ~(^_^)~ said...

smua nie time dlu2 la babe..
laa die pn pernah ke luar negara pew.. =P